Santa Deliveries & Toy Drive

Date: December 17, 2023
Time: 4:30 pm

We’re excited to once again partner with Santa and the Cranford Police & Fire Departments to accept donations for less-fortunate children and to deliver gifts to Cranford homes!

How it works:

  1. Sign up on the registration form [12/9/23 update: registration is now closed – thank you] and pick one of the 2 delivery dates.
    Have more than one child? There’s a link on the confirmation screen to register additional kids.
  2. On one of the drop-off dates below, drop off a wrapped toy to be delivered by Santa to your home (one per registered child) AND an UNWRAPPED toy(s) to donate.

Drop-off Dates at the Cranford Community Center:

  • Wednesday 12/6/23: 5-9 pm
  • Saturday 12/9/23: 9–1 pm

NOTE: You can have someone else drop off gifts, but we must receive the presents during these times.

2023 Delivery Dates:

  • Friday 12/15 starting at 6 pm
  • Sunday 12/17 starting at 4:30 pm

Questions? Please email